Of Breath & Bone

Experiential + Elemental Healing Sessions

Journey Work | Equine Therapy Facilitation | Earth Medicine Sessions

Upstate South Carolina // In Person + Remote + Travel 


If you’re seeking guidance rooted in Nature, & in the deeply held wisdom of your body, if you know Mother trees can & do speak, that the fox & the coyotes & the salamanders & the Luna moths willingly share their truths with you, if you long to tend the feral knowing that resides within -

If you feel the Witch Wound, if you’ve ever felt yourself stifling your words, your way of being in the world & seek others who will bear witness, who will encourage you & support you as you find your way home to Self -

If you recognize the importance of somatic work & nervous system regulation, & understand on a deep level that all the therapeutic modalities in the world don’t matter if your body doesn’t feel safe -

Then —

these offerings are for you, dear one.

As a Seer, an Earth Witch, an Equine Therapy Facilitator, & reverent witness, I’m here to help you do that.


  • Our connection to the Earth is one of the most reflective & truest relationships we can know. As an Earth Witch & Intuitive, I use Journey Work as a means to channel this connection & allow messages, guidance, or wisdom to come through for individuals.

  • An experiential and elemental healing session. Intimate connection to the Land. Fully present. Time spent intentionally reconnecting to Self, to the Earth, to Spirit. A reclamation. Transmutation. Honoring & healing.

  • Equine therapy offers an array of benefits and is particularly useful for those who need practical tools to help regulate the nervous system, find ways to be fully present and in the body, and to heal. No equine experience required.

Journey Work Testimonial 

“Working with Ashley has been such a gift to my life. With her Journey Work session, I was able to find clarity during a time in my life where I felt confused and lost. I regained trust in my intuition, confidence in my life choices and felt an immense peace in remembering a core self belief that life truly always is working out for the highest good.

Through Ashley’s reverence and connection to Nature, her gifts of blending sacred with the physical, and translating spiritual messages into earthly guidance, Ashley’s talents are a gift to this world and our community. It’s an honor to work with her. I highly encourage if you’re moving through a time of change or simply needing a grounding guide or overall genuinely kind human to support - Ashley is that person.”

Ali Teeslink

Feeling called to work with me?

If so, let’s chat and talk about which offering is calling to you in this season of life.

I’m Ashley

& it has become my mission to facilitate space for others to find that sort of healing, to find their way back to Self. To reflect back what is true and good.

Kind Words:

Rare is the first word that comes to mind when I think of the gift that it was to work with Ashley. Rare is the person who can feel so deeply the subtle energy that is calling. Rare is the artist who can hear the whispers of possibility. Rare is the heart that is so genuine, the tenderness of sharing time and space together makes a forever imprint on your own heart. I loved working with Ashley. I loved the intimacy of the experience that she held space for.”

// Rochelle, Founder of Qoya

Homepage photos by the incredibly wonderful & very talented Andrielle Photography