I’m Ashley.

Seer. Earth Witch & Intuitive. Equine Therapy Facilitator.

Like many, my path here has been a varied and winding one. I was a high school educator for 11 years. A birth doula. Worked on farms. Waited tables. Got lost time and again.

But always - always - at the core was my relationship with the Earth. She is the truest relationship I have ever known. The most healing. The most accepting. My relationship to Her has informed every other aspect of my life.

And it has become my mission to facilitate space for others to find that sort of healing, to find their way back to Self. To reflect back what is true and good.

One of the greatest gifts ever given to me was when I was fully witnessed. No one was trying to “fix” me. No one was giving unsolicited advice. No one was trying to “rescue” me from discomfort or struggle. They simply bore witness and encouraged me and supported me and reminded me of who I truly was. And being witnessed in that way - in sorrow, in joy, in silliness, in anger, in the FULL spectrum of it - it allowed me to stand in my power. Because the belief was held that everything I needed to heal was already within and that I wasn’t doing it alone.

That is what I want to share with you. To facilitate a space of deep recognition, of deep and reverent witnessing.

Born & raised in the Missouri Ozarks where I grew up saying “y’uns” and not “y’all.” I’m a Reflector in Human Design. Taurus Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Aquarius Rising. When I’m not with horses, my happiest places are somewhere on the water (particularly Lake Jocassee) or in my home (I can easily become a hermit). I’m an outgoing introvert who loves connecting with people but I need a lot of downtime and alone time to recalibrate. Books that have changed my life: Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés, The Dance of the Dissident Daughter by Sue Monk Kidd, The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, and Horses Never Lie by Mark Rashid. I’m an auntie to two hilarious, gregarious, generous, thoughtful, inventive, wonderfully semi-feral nephews. My first horse was a big-hearted, patient, saint of an Appaloosa named Beau. And finally, I think you’re doing great. You exist because you have something beautiful to offer this world (I mean that). If you’re on this planet, you’ve been through some stuff that hurts and has knocked the wind out of you, but here you are. Here you are. And you have so much to offer.

A Little More About Me

My background & experience:

  • High school educator for 11 years; I specialized in working with special needs and at-risk youth

  • Birth worker (DONA trained birth doula & birth photographer) from 2017-2019

  • Qoya Teacher Training (thru Initiation), 2020

  • Equine Therapy Facilitator Training through Wild Hearts Equine Therapy ; 2022-present

  • Trust Based Relational Intervention Caregiver (Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development); 2022